I am so proud to say that this recipe was featured in Basirah's weekly email. Follow the link to subscribe! Holistic Yogi.
This week's recipe will come in handy and if you are like me, you won't need a recipe and you can go on feeling. How will this come in handy? Well have you ever run out of pita chips but had half a tub of hummus or randomly made bruschetta and forgot the baguette. You're at a party and the table is all dip and not an edible vessel to get the dip into your mouth your mouth. Oh the humanity! This will get you out of this pickle anytime of day. And the beauty of this recipe is that you can either have a crispy cracker or a shortbread like flatbread to carry any dip into your mouth.
Flatbread or Crackers. Choose Your Own Adventure.
- 1 3/4 cup All Purpose Flour
- 1 teaspoon baking powder
- 3/4 teaspoons salt
- 1/2 cup water
- 1/4 cup olive oil
1. Mix dry ingredients in a bowl. Add the oil and then water and mix and combine to a firm dough.
2. Divide into two and roll out the dough into desired thickness and cut into desired shapes. Cookie cutters or into squares or circles.
3. Brush tops with olive oil and bake for 8-10 minutes.
What's that you say? You wanted more of a cracker than a shortbread flatbread? Leave out the leavening agent, baking powder and roll the dough out paper thin and bake for the same amount of time.
Oh you have extra herbs? Throw them into the dry ingredients! It will only make it better. Ever wanted to know how to make a Cheez-It? Add cheese into the dry mix and BOOM!!!!
What makes a good topping? Well, cheese, hummus, black bean dip, mushroom pate, salsa, jam, anything your heart desires! You do you, chose your own culinary adventure.
I made mine with fresh thyme and rosemary. I mixed it in the dry ingredients and then rolled it into the dough to make it look pretty!
Rollin rollin.

What's that? Why, yes, those are Guggenheim and the Sydney Opera House shaped flatbreads.