Here it goes, This Week in SnackChat. I try to keep it weekly, but what ev man. Don't hate.
Well, stuff happens, like the LA KINGS ARE IN THE PLAYOFFS. You know what that means, Shane is growing a playoff beard, I am stress drinking whiskey soda water, having popcorn dinner and all the superstitions from the years previous are back in play. If you don't watch hockey, you wouldn't get it. But it's okay, were not all perfect.
Okay, on to the good shit. Your SnackChats!
You too can submit your own SnackChats to me, log.lady
I take screenshots and I only take screenshots of pictures sent directly to me.
So cute! I want to hug it forever.
That mac salad.
I feel like there is a lot going on in this.
It's cute.
That thing in the corner gots all the chill.
What did you call me?
That's too fancy.
I don't know how I feel about this.
They don't want you eating salad.
That looks like guacamole boobs.
I hate pushy packaging.
I've had to teach myself that guac sucks.
It looks more like an L bone tho.
I hate jelly beans.
They were sent from heaven.
You're a dog haus.
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