Thursday, August 20, 2015

This Week in SnackChat

 Trying to get back into the regular posting.  I'm trying guys!  I love the SnackChats so keep them coming!

 Hey, that's me! This is probably the best lunch you can get in Orange County.  It's called Rasoi Curry Point and it is $8.99 for all you can eat Thali Platter lunch and I am not kidding you, its fucking good. This isn't an ad, this is from meeeee!  The owner was super nice and very thankful for us just showing up but really we were the most thankful.  The food was filling and comforting.  It wasn't anything that was familiar to me, but it felt that way.
  Then I did some research and they have a plate called the Tustin Chicken and proceeds from the purchase of this placte go to the Suchita Memorial Scholarship. Gah. Eat local guys and while we were brought here because of Yelp, I still think people who write reviews on Yelp are dick fors, I have to tip my hat for the recommendation.

Where did nom come from?

 Probably the oddest grouping of Do Us a Flavor

Cute! I've been eating Spam this last week because we are trying to clean out the cupboards.  

So is it buffalo cheese or buffalo meat, or buffalo sauce?

Classic beer can chicken.

It's a bunt and BUNT!
BUUNT? Oh I know, it's a cake! 

Yes, I just quoted My Big Fat Greek Wedding.

If those are Lean Pockets, then I would say they are both healthy.  I mean it has lean in the name.

Are those eggies?

The breakfast of champions. 

Rancheritos, Doritos, Fritos, Tostitos.  Welcome to the ito family.I can't wait to eat you.

 Oh hey, follow me! @log.lady on SnapChat

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