When friends ask me to make things, I am more than happy to help! My friends, Natalie and Johnny sent a text divulging the sex the baby. And that they were planning on having people over at the bar to have a little gender reveal party, aka WFT RU party, aka sex party. They were looking for bite sized treats in the appropriate color for the baby. They are having boy, so naturally everything had to be yellow. J/k, blue. So I went with the Birthday Layer Cake from the Milk Bar cookbook because DUH! It's the only baking book I own! It reminded me of being in 6th grade again. Little Eizelle, who was probably the same height as present day Eizelle, with her Easy Bake Oven making cakes for peoples birthday.
Instead, I have a real oven, a quarter sheet pan and cake flour. Real ingredients, well kinda. I used clear artificial vanilla, which my husband was quick to point out that when were were first dating, I gave him shit for not using the real shit.
This is the second time that I made a cake this year. I'm not a cake person. I like cookies more than cake. Earlier this month, I made a rosemary with goat cheese frosting for Natalie and Johnny. I have a small ring mold so I made Birthday Cake Truffles with the leftovers.
So the recipe calls for Birthday Cake Sand and white chocolate coating. Funny thing is that I am not that coordinated. So when it says to coat the balls with white chocolate, that didn't really happen. It was like chocolate blobs truffles. So I flattened it and coated the truffles with the blue white chocolate.
Improve at it's finest. Tasty. Pretty. I bought a balloon. It said, "It's a boy." I had a blank box, put said balloon and all the treats under. Had all the guests write their guesses on the box. Johnny and Natalie lifted the box, and the balloon was revealed.
Fuck you Pintrest. I don't need you.
Fuck you Pintrest. I don't need you.